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Email marketing is one of the Internet's most powerful tools and is used by many of the world's top brands because it works.

Reach: Using email is still the most popular online activity, accounting for 12% of time spent on the internet. 90% of email users subscribe to marketing messages.
Internet Marketing
  • Value for money: Other than the cost of running your email marketing, it's free.
  • Dynamic: Timely and fast. Email marketing need never be out of date.
  • Flexibility: Rich HTML mails or text – you choose.
  • Targeting: Segment your database for focused communications and high conversion rates.
  • Personalisation: Email marketing is a direct one-to-one engagement. Intimate and powerful.
  • Measurable: Track interaction. Measure and adjust for improved results.
  • Relationship building: Email marketing is a net, not a harpoon. Use it to nurture relationships and manage sales along your sales funnel.
Are you using email marketing to its full potential? Are you using it at all? H2 can show you how.

Behind Every Great Email Campaign Is A Great Mailing List

At the heart of every email marketing campaign is the mailing list. It's the lifeblood of online success. The better the list, the better the results.

Have you got one? How up to date is it? Is it clean? Comprehensive? Can you easily segment it? Do you have the tools in place to build strong lists quickly? Even then, would you be able to use that list profitably and to its full potential?

H2 – Experts In Building and Managing Great Lists

At H2 we employ a range of strategies to capture data so that you gather as many high quality prospects as possible, prospects interested in what you have to say and offer.

Don't waste your email marketing efforts on weak, incomplete lists. Call us on 08700 503 574 or mail us at for more information on what we can do to deliver you a top quality mailing list.