>from Phil H’s blog

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A client rang recently insisting that we run him a media relations campaign (press releases to the ordinary man!). We felt it was inappropriate to his product. He insisted, the strategy failed because the tactic was wrong, he grumbled, mumbled and then he listened!

Integrated Strategy

Integration is about using a range of tactics 'together' so that the combined efforts of the individual parts deliver a better outcome. It might be about designing a great website but also ensuring that the website in question is properly optimised so that it ranks in Google, otherwise what's the point?

Does your literature work? Does it support the rest of the brand?

Tactics should work together, they should integrate and, if done well, an integrated marketing strategy will deliver the anticipated outcome. Don't be one dimensional otherwise you will get the result the man in the first paragraph got! We hate being held responsible for failure when it's the client who didn't listen at the outset!