>from Phil H’s blog

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Corporate Literature

You're probably from a company. A marketing manager? You might even know what a pantone is. Heaven forbid you might even have a style guide! We know your world.

Corporate Literature

We have great designers, illustrators and artworkers who understand deadlines, delivery, budgets and the concept of customer care. Yes, it still exists outside America!.

What do you want? Something to promote your business? A vehicle in which to communicate business information? A flyer? Annual Report/? Literature? Or even a full blown campaign?

Whether it's conservative, offbeat, middle of the road, wild or wacky, our design team can help and we'll deliver on time and to budget whilst looking after your brand. But one word of caution.....

We can do it quick and cheap…but it won't be right
We can do it right and cheap… but at a pace that suits us....or
We can do it quick and right… but we have to drop everything else so you will pay for it!

...........if you're looking for quick, cheap and right don't call!